Friday, June 29, 2012

A fresh start..

A couple of years ago, I wanted to begin blogging and created this page..Wow, has time flown by since then. And after all that initial effort of "setting up" the page, I only managed to post a quote by someone else. What a good choice I made. And the picture I uploaded on that day. The Camphor tree in my backyard. It's a beautiful old tree, planted by my Daddy many years before his death in 2001. It has been an extraordinary living relic since I've lived here, in this old house where he and my Mom raised me. 

So, here I am again, attempting to blog for the first time. My introduction was exhausting, but liberating. I look forward to expressing myself more.  I have many thoughts swirling in my mind. What a blessing this is. To be aware of my thoughts and sensitive to the events surrounding my life, as well as those I love most...

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